Float Europe is a development company managing innovative applications of MULTI-USE PLATFORMS for use in offshore depths of seas and oceans. I will expose MULTI-USE PLATFORM applications capable of responding to the most difficult installations offshore. In May 2002, Float Incorporated proposed a port security strategy titled “Beyond the Horizon” and published a white paper which was distributed to […]
Read more Float Europe and the LNG SOLUTIONS Summit 24-25 Oct 2017 at Nice, FranceWELCOME
Float Europe® (Float Marine Technologies Europe Limited) provides project development services that include research, design, and development of marine technology products specializing in very large floating platforms. Our immediate objective is to publicise the availability of these innovative marine technologies, their multi-purpose applications, and to help understand how to implement and use them properly.

- A practical and cost effective floating motion-stable foundation for a multitude of applications.A reinforced concrete floating platform.Modularly constructed and moored offshore.Superior motion stability and deck load capacity in challenging sea-state environments.Effective floating breakwater with leeward calm water vessel berthing zone.A patented design concept for large floating platforms

- Available where generated electricity can be stored as compressed air within the interstitial spaces of the Pneumatically Stabilised Platform (PSP) Energy may be reconverted to grid electricity by heating the compressed air.Avoids the principle objection to renewable energy sources, namely intermittency.Uniquely capable of storing substantial amounts of renewable energy as compressed air within the supporting PSP structure.

- A deep water wave energy converter that promises unprecedented wave-to-wire efficiency and long life.Low maintenance with accessible equipment and made from reinforced concrete. Impedance-matching, Oscillating Water Column (IM-OWC) system, solidly supported by a PSP.Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System (OFOES) combines Rho-Cee with wind turbines, ocean current turbines and large capacity energy storage, all integrated onboard a supporting PSP.